4/29/82; 1/5/72 Jer  




A.  The phallic cult is part of licentious reversionism and is referred to in 2 Cor 12:21; Eph 4:19, 5:5, 3:5; Rev 2:14, 20-23.


B.  Phallic reversionism is related to demonism. Licentiousness is related to demonism through idolatry. Therefore, it was forbidden by God to Israel in Ex 20:3,23, 23:24; Deut 4:28, 5:7, 6:14, 7:16, 8:19. No nation survives the spread of the phallic cult.


C.  Israel was a client nation from the Exodus until AD 70. Ex 19:4-6, “Then you will be My own special treasure among all the peoples… and you shall be a kingdom of priests, a holy nation.” This explains the universal priesthood of the believer in the Church Age, since the function of the Gentile client nation depends on the number of royal priests in that nation who attain maturity.


D.  The Phallic cult is closely related to idolatry.

            1. Idolatry is the subject of the first two commandments in the Decalogue. Idolatry is the enemy of freedom. The first commandment prohibits mental idolatry, Deut 5:6-7; the second prohibits overt idolatry, Deut 5:8-10.

            2. Therefore, idolatry begins in the mind before there is overt idolatry, Jud 2:10-13; Ezek 14:7.

            3. Scar tissue of the soul and cosmic involvement precedes the modus operandi of idolatry, Rom 1:18-25.

            4. Idolatry is often called spiritual adultery because it is unfaithfulness to the Lord, Jer 3:8-10; Ezek 16:23-46, 23:24-30; Rev 17:1-5.

            5. Idolatry is also the basis for contacting demons, and coming under demon influence or demon possession, Zech 10:2. The believer can only be under demon influence through false doctrine; he cannot be demon possessed.

            6. Idolatry is called the devil’s communion table in 1 Cor 10:19-21.

            7. Idolatry motivates the entire realm of sexual sins. Therefore, idolatry is related to the phallic cult, Ezek 22:3-18, 23:37-39.


E.  The phallic cult includes the following factors.

            1. Immorality of all kinds, Lev 18:3-25, e.g, fornication, cultic prostitution, homosexuality, etc.

            2. Demonism, Lev 20:6.

            3. Idolatry related to the phallic cult always includes human sacrifice, Lev 20:1-5. All cults link the phallic function with demons through idolatry. Ecstatics were always used in the ancient world, and the phallic cult reached its climax with human sacrifice. Parents would get so worked up they would throw their children into fire and have sex to the sound of their screams.

            4. The rejection of establishment authority under ecstatics. No freedom, private property, life, i.e., the Jones cult.

            5. Spiritual, social, and cultural degeneracy, Lev 20:10-23.


F.  Idolatry is the origin of abnormal sexual sins, Deut 12:29-31.


G.  Idolatry and the phallic cult were responsible for the downtrend of client nation Israel, Isa 2:8, 18-20, 21:9, 36:18-20, 37:12-19; Jer 3:6-11, 2:27-30, 7:17-20, 17:1-4; Ezek 6:4-6.




 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
